San Michele in purezza (Saint Michael in Purity)

  • TYPE: White wine
  • LOCALITY: Walled vineyard on the island of San Michele
  • GRAPES: Mainly glera, doronaand malvasia

Sant' E'

  • TYPE: Red wine
  • LOCATION: Vineyard on Sant’Helena
  • GRAPES: Cabernet, Merlot

Turgide Vignole al vento (Turgid Vignole in the Wind)

  • TYPE: White wine
  • LOCATION: Vineyard on the island of Vignole
  • GRAPES: Mainly glera e verduzzo

Luviana liberata (Luviana Liberated)

  • TYPE: White wine
  • LOCALITY: Vineyard between sea and lagoon in Malamocco, Lido di Venezia
  • Grapes: Trebbiano

Merlocco (a blended word of merlot and malamocco)

  • TYPE: Red wine
  • LOCALITY: Vineyard between sea and lagoon in Malamocco, Lido di Venezia
  • GRAPES: Merlot

Gneca red (Giudecca Red)

  • TYPE: Red wine
  • LOCALITY: Vineyard in Giudecca, in the Zitelle area
  • GRAPES: Merlot, cabernet, carmenère, lambrusco, raboso

Bacò della Strega (Bacò of the Witch)

  • TYPE: Red wine
  • LOCALITY: Barbaria de le Tole – Castello, Venice (Pergola of the pizzeria Alla Strega)
  • GRAPES: Bacò (Vitigno ibrido)

Methods Adopted for all Wines

Vineyard Management:

All our vines are treated with natural substances and only when needed. The vineyards are grassed and the first mowing occurs at the end of flowering each year.


Manual harvest with selection of the grapes and meticulous cleaning of the bunches.


Pressing is performed using feet or by hand using racks (crushing-destemming).

Spontaneous fermentation with indigenous yeasts without temperature control. Manual punching down three times a day.

Maceration of the skins for about 6 days for white wines and for about 10 days for red wines. No addition of sulphites (except in very difficult years and then only at the end of winemaking and only in quantities less than 40 mg /l).

Maturation in used wine barrels, amphora or steel tanks, depending on the characteristics of the vintage.


By hand, without adding sulphites.

In the past we have also produced other wines.


The Labels

The white wine label represents Mother Earth and was designed by the ceramist Alessandro Merlin.
The label for red wines, representing Flavio Franceschet’s hat, was designed by the painter Lanfranco Lanza.
The label for Arcangeli Scalzi (Barefoot Angels) is the work of an association member, Renata Ravagnan.